I became a single parent when my children were ages 1yrs through 5yrs. One of the best adventures we went on was when I started my private preschool business while attending college on dial-up internet, and scraping together mortgage payments.

Those were challenging times when I thought I was doing everything backward as a mom. Through it all, I learned more than I thought possible about recapturing my story and reigniting my adventure.

All grown up, lots of adventures under our belts, more love lost and more love gained, I entered into the empty nester mom season.

There were so many things that I wanted to learn! Most of all, how to be an awesome mom, friend, and example to my young adult daughters.

During the process, I would come to realize that a new season would require me to recapture my story again, ditch the desk job, schedule an unplanned hip replacement, learn to love myself completely, and become a ski coach in the Pacific northwest.


Life is full, beautiful grandkids have come along, not to mention the coffee here in the mountains tastes great! I continue to enjoy coaching women and empty nester moms down steep slopes, through tough turns, stopping to look backwards just long enough to celebrate their wins.


I hope you will hop in here and join us at Mom Spelled Backwards © to learn a little bit more about what it can mean to recapture your own story no matter what your season of life is throwing your way!